An emergency shelter is a place for people to live temporarily when they cannot live in their previous residence, similar to homeless shelters. Emergency shelters typically specialize in people fleeing a specific type of situation, such as natural or man-made disasters, domestic violence, or victims of sexual abuse. Emergency shelters sometimes facilitate support groups and may provide meals.
Homeless Shelters Family Shelters Emergency Shelters Childcare Housing Maintenance Rent Assistance Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Legal Assistance Meals Transportation
(419) 621-1900(419) 621-1900
At Parkvue, we have a full-service senior living community that refreshes the spirit. Our compass...
Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Childcare Domestic Violence Family Shelters Emergency Shelters Overnight Shelters Counseling Health Mental Health Physical Health Substance Abuse Legal Assistance Transportation Spiritual Clothing Employment Housing Maintenance Rent Assistance Education
(419) 627-0074(419) 627-0074
If you have a critical need, call 211 to speak to a professional who can give you individual assi...
Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Women's Shelters Youth Shelters Family Shelters Emergency Shelters Childcare Meals Clothing Education Employment Housing Rent Assistance Spiritual
We provide services that are designed locally to address specific community needs. Our common are...